When searching for comprehensive legal services in the Czech Republic in accordance with the Act on Legal profession and rules adopted by the Czech Bar Association, do not hesitate to contact us. We represent our clients in proceedings before authorities and courts, prepare legal memorandums and documents and provide legal advice and defense clients in criminal proceedings. Besides legal services, we perform authorized conversion of documents from paper to electronic form (so these can be sent to respective authority electronically), also from electronic to paper form, and verify the authenticity of signatures according to special regulations.

Legal Services

Immigration Law

Immigration Law is our core specialization. We provide our clients with advice and representation before the authorities of the Czech Republic, especially the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior, the Police of the Czech Republic and Czech embassies abroad. When necessary, we represent our clients in court proceedings to review decisions taken by the authorities and in case of unlawful interference into rights of an individual. We can arrange any temporary residence status (e.g. short-term Schengen visa, long-term visa, long-term residence permit, employee card or blue card, temporary residence permit for a family member of an EU citizen) and permanent residence (e.g. permanent residence permit for minor children, permanent residence permit after 5 years of continuous stay and permanent residence permit for family members of EU citizens. 

If needed, we also represent our clients in other residential matters, e.g. administrative expulsion proceedings, order to leave the territory or the revocation of a long-term or permanent residence permit. If you need help with fulfilling your obligations under the Act no. 326/1999 Coll. on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic, application for citizenship of the Czech Republic, or you want to obtain citizenship by declaration, we are ready to help you.

Employment of foreigners

We help both employers and (future or current) foreign employees on the labour market. Employee card, Blue card, Long-term visa for the purpose of Seasonal Employment or card of an internally transferred employeewe can assume advantages and disadvantages of these residence titles to our clients and represent future or current employees. With us, employers can find  advice on obligations they have to fulfill when employing foreigners towards the Labour Office of the Czech Republic or the Ministry of Interior, as well as how to effectively defend themselves in the event of inspections by the police or labour inspection. We can safely advise when and under what conditions a foreigner can change his or her job, what is needed for such change and how to proceed. 

Did you know that a full-time student of any university providing education according to the Czech curriculum can work without restrictions? Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor the proper fulfillment of the notification obligation to the Labour Office. Failure to comply with obligations to the Labour Office can result in heavy fines.

Asylum Law

Potential clients can head to us for more information on how to apply for international protection. We can also represent them in proceedings led by the Ministry of the Interior (Asylum and Migration Policy Department) or administrative courts. Asylum, subsidiary protection or status of a stateless person – each of these institutes has its peculiarities, which we carefully point out to our clients. We also assist, for example, in proceedings for an application for the extension of subsidiary protection, in proceedings of revoking asylume or in the case of detention.

General practice

In addition to the field of Relocation, Immigration and Asylum agenda, we also provide legal services in other areas of law, such as tax, misdemeanor or criminal law. If you need to start a business, set up a business, help with divorce or paternity, debt collection or contracts, you are in the right place. We are not experts in everything. If you are looking for help in more complex matters from other areas of law, we are happy to recommend our colleagues who are experts in their fields, just as we are experts in Immigration Law, Employment of Foreigners or Asylum Law.


Hour rate

The contractual fee for services by the attorney depends on the time spent providing legal services.

CZK 2900/60 min

The price depends on the complexity of the case. In special circumstances, it is possible to arrange a different rate for services, e.g. a discount can be arranged when providing a larger scale of the same type of legal assistance, while in case of urgent legal assistance (at night and on weekends) it is necessary to bear in mind higher rates.

Service Package

In standard cases, we can arrange a flat fee for a specific task, or set of tasks or for a particular procedure etc. In such circumstances, the price for service is fixed regardless of the time spent.

No hidden fees

We guarantee maximum costs for providing legal services. Thus, remuneration for services can be determined by certaib amount or a percentage (success fee).

Remuneration for legal services does not include other costs of the client; e.g. court and administrative fees, official translation and verification of copies of documents, interpretation, postage, including reimbursement of travel expenses according to the law.

Our Law Firm is not a VAT payer, the price is final.

Book a single consultation with US

Choose the date that suits you the best via external application


Authorized conversion of documents

On basis of prior appointment, we authorize conversions of documents from paper to electronic form or vice versa. Such a document has the same validity. Would you like to save your time when visiting the Department of Asylum and Migration Policy, we can submit such a document electronically to the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic at the spot (on your behalf), so you do not miss any legal period.

Verification of signatures

Where applicable law requires verification of the signature, we can verify the authenticity of the signature on basis of prior appointment.


CZK 30

For 1 verified signature or 1 page of authorized conversion according to the Legal proffession tariff. Outside the office or standard working hours, the amount of remuneration is determined upon agreement.

Free for our clients

Based on a previous agreement and upon appointment, our clients can receive an authorized conversion or signature verification free of charge.